Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It has been a week

A week of not once feeling like I am hungery or deprived.
I passed on cake, bagels and other stuff at work because I did NOT want it!
I had part of a brownie, a bite of candy and stopped there because it was all I needed.
I am eating a true bowl of ceral not half a box and satisfied.

and down 7 pounds but did not weigh till the 2nd day so I figure more like 8.

Exercise well I am trying to walk fast into work and out,,,a start.
Park a little father away from work.
and moving more because i just feel better.

It is a long journey, a life long change, and roca is a wonderful tool!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

the journey

the journey is sweet.
Trying to relearn portions and good habits.
I m not hungery at all.
down about 6 pounds.

amazed at what I was eating, eating now because I need to eat not because I want to graze or because it is there....
loving this roca.......
using to log my progress and intake and it is a ton of help!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

my story

I truely believe we all have a story.

At 19 I married my childhood sweet heart. A kind gentle soul who gave me unconditonal love as I never felt I had before.

At 19 I was 5 foot 11 and weighed 119 on our wedding day. All my teen years was a struggled with some weight.... I look back and see my bing eating as a teen and then staravation to loose weight.

My 1st pregnancy was twins which I lost at 12 weeks. Lost... how do you loose babies...1 year later we had our oldest and   I gained 60 pounds. Which I dropped some of it but 9 months later I was pregnat again and gained a another 60. That was 27 years ago I have never seen 200 pounds since then.

My husband was not happy with me, I was not happy with me to help I ate more.

Ten years went by and the pounds went up  strugglign with  infertility and 300 pounds.
it was 10 years we tried for our little girl...and then
then suddenly kelsie came, 2 years later savannah and 2 years later sally anne and then 16 months later Isaac. the scale tipped 370.

I had my dream, a large family, stay at home mom and then my bubble was busted!
MY love changed to a mean , selfish person...
I went to nursing school to leave support myself and kids.
in the admist  of that year we found out he had a gentic disease called huntingtons disease. Worse yet each of my babies had a 50% chance of having the disease.(

The scale hand moved up and down over the years,,,as my life rode an rollercoaster.
 When the youngest was 2 years old vince was placed in a nursing home for his safety and our safety. Huntingtons affects your mind, movements, and muscles, Over time you have large limb jerking, mood swings like living with a schizophrenic, and evidently he was unable to swallow , walk, wore diapers and speah slurred ot the point of not understanding him.

Vince passed away in 2009. Those years were utter hell as I raised the kids alone, tried to provide and still try to be care giver to him. My friend was food. I was so lonley, tired , frustrated, fighting for his care, and working I ate. When I was happy I ate. When I was sick I desevered to eat...I am sure you are getting ther picture.

So hear I am on this journey to find me, to eat healthy, control my eating...and begin exercise.

Life goes on. I have a wonderful caring, loving, boy friend. He loves me as I am...
my babies are now 29,27,19,17,15,and13,,,kids do grow up I am finding out.
I am back in school because it is alife long goal put off by life and now it is my time.

my goals are simple eat healthy and  use roca to control portions, as I learn on this journey . As I learn to eat healthy the weight will come off.

the weight will come off
the weight will come off
the weight will come off...
and IT IS!
down 6 pounds in a week!

counting the positives

this morning I was running out so had a few bites to hold me.....
meet my b/f for EARLY lunch had a ham/veggie omlet and toast and a few fries...
but after wards met a friend from work to talk and ended up at starbucks made a bad choice and got home found out my wonder ful drink had 450 calories.

no supper up to 1500 calories.....
The positives!

I did not finsh the omlet...left a few bites
only ate like 5 fries
and left a peice of toast.

I did try to go lean at starbucks should of ask...
so I have been thinking...

of what I did right this week..
many times I did not finish the portions, my goal is to leave something...not lick the plate lol.
and snacking inbetween stray bites here , there, and  everywhere did not happen..
Parking father to increase steps as I am not really ready for exercise..getting there jsut not there.

My friend has not seen me in several weeks and said...I knew you looked better I see it in your face"

so the rest of the night my goals are... non calorie drinks and at some time a verry small something  for supper...

I love blogging even if no one reads this it makes me think....
with 150 pounds to loose.....this is my life line.

off to drink my Roca drink ...yep did nto drink it this morning in all the rush and it has been 24 hours since I had some and was doing it 2 times a day...
then out and about momma time no kids....need some me time.

Friday, June 10, 2011

day 4

I am so pleased...down some where around 4 to 5 pounds in 4/5 days, I did not weigh the 1st day.

As I got off work I got to thinking I took a small lunch,a t like 1 30 am and really really honestly never thought about eating.......again.
We had a huge nice cake that was for  a going away party....never touched it.YEPPPEE

Home now and going to bed. I havent had any Roca since 4 pm yesterday and considering I am up all night this one dose worked well.
going to eat a small breakfast and crash.

I hzve joined and it is a big help. I am tracking every bite I eat. Reading the motivational info at least once a day,

My favorite so far is start...donating food.......for every poound i loose, donate an item that weighs the same.. Pick it up see how heavy it is and think how I am not caring that around all the time.

 if you cant donate you could always set it aside...and use it later or as you need it.
or why not water in a jug, even old milk jugs line it up watch it grow, weigh them, ..then lift them daily to think of what you are not taking around.

or put you items in a back pack weekly and go for a walk.....hoping soon it will be to much for me.
night all thanks for reading. this weekend I hope to do a page on my story.....where i come from, where I am going....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 2

Rattle rattle I go...
it has been 24 hours.
Took a dose last night at work somewhere around 2 or 3am.

my day begins at midnight.
at work I had like a cup and half of rice,beans,  veggies with sausa.
and maybe 5 or 7 chips.
at least 4 or more glasses of water 24 ounces..
and  a coffee on the way in and another on the way home..
..have to stay awake.
was not even wanting anything else

aprox. 350 in calories for the night

Did notice in my morning rush,  hunger hit so I had  some  glasses of water.
On the way home felt I needed to eat so cooked 2 eggs just now and still stuffed.

Another thing, in my desk I am sititng at is candy I got for my birthday....amazing it is still there. I got it the day the roca came in. Not craving it at all.....think I will see how long  I can make it last..I started to give it to the kids....but thinking my treat one at a time.

I slept a few hours..and got up to tackle the hosue/yard with the kids. Amazing I felt like helping after 3 hours of sleep. I have the pleasure of most days sleeping in shifts. The joys of night shift and a family.
The kids some how broke the is amazing what teens think brooms are for that have nothing to do with cleaning. I ran out to get one and grabed a 4 ounce bag of mixed nuts as I was feeling weak.

Had my afternoon dose and 3 glasses of water.

Jus tnow had a 2 cup serving of veggie lazana ready and just stoped a 1/3 to effort jsut did not want it. I also have discovered and started a page to monitor my intake...hovering aorund a 1000 calories today.
water intake........lost count but a fish would be jealous
Loving my roca...
off to bed ... for 2nd shift of sleeping.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day one

I had coffee early and drank the weight loss product by roca about an hour later.

Today is cook day for me, working nights, by the time I need  to cook for the kids I am worn out so I TRY on days I am home and have not worked.,  in the morning to cook a few meals up. Normally this means I try the meals, eat much more then I want to admitt.

As I finished the veggie lazanna I took some of the simmered veggies and a noodle and placed in a small square contanier left over from a egg roll delivery. I had not eaten anything and this was 930 am of so.
3 or 4  bites in I stoped wihtout trying...or thinnking about it.

You will notice as a night shift person we eat werid...supper at 9am, breakfast 4 pm, 2 am supper again.

Within 30 min aftet the am dose I had a fast bathroom run.......ok I can deal with this just have a bathroom handy after.
I have drank 64 ounces of water and it has been 4 hours since I took the dose.
If i normally drank that kind of water I d be in the bathroom for it......a few times but noticed hum? where is  the is the water going normally would be peeing like a horse.

 I do notice a slight head ache. Just took some motrin and time for my nap as I work tonight and only get sleep while the kids are off at school......2 more weeks of school then they are off to grandparents out of state for 3 weeks.....(yeppee) should be the perfect time to get in the swing of things.

Took a nap and woke thristy so downed 2 glasses of water. Just had a small snack,  thinking I need it. I am so full, amazing 7 hours later.

Been working in the hosue and drinking and drnking...
had a small serving of a mexican cassrole at 3 ish..maybe a cup size...mostly veggies and some rice and chees.
and at 6 another one. Both would not equal near my total normal meals..
most meals here are veggi as my daughter eats no meats  and we have drifted that way...maybe cook meat once a week. I know the other 2 teens get it everyday  at school so it all works out.
all in a ll good day. figure around 1100 calories give or and not hungery